Monday, November 7, 2016

Well, That's Done

So, yes the weekend was a ball of activity. There was a football game that took much of Friday night. There was house quest to visit with on Saturday and we went and saw Doctor Strange. On Sunday we went shopping for three different people's birthday gifts and then we managed to sit awhile and catch up with the DVR.

I did finish the last doily and they all got mounted in their frames. There are five large ones and three small ones and they represent weeks of work. Part of me is thinking about offering them for sale after the holidays on a custom made basis, but they rely on the availability of this particular frame, so I'll have to do a little research first I think. They'll likely have to be pricey as well, so I can't imagine that they'll fly off the shelves at all.

Just so this post isn't just text, here's the crochet project I've been working on. I think they called it a cocoon. It's basically just a rectangle they fold in half to turn into a sweater-like piece. It looked easy and super comfy. So this it what I'll be working on unless I decide someone else should get a doily gift, or I get some sales in the shop again.

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